I am not ready to apply for fuel testing support but would like advice on the SAF evaluation processes and/or sustainability. Will the EU SAF Clearing House provide advice and guidance, and do I have to pay for it?
The EU SAF Clearing House offers initial support and guidance free of charge to all potential SAF producers aiming to develop sustainable aviation fuels, regardless of the maturity of their company, process, or product. Depending on your stage of development we may then provide support with next steps fuel quality pre-screening, and/or entrance into the D4054 process, and also with sustainability certification.
My product is in the very early stage of development, and I have a limited volume of product. Will the EU SAF Clearing House still provide support?
Yes, absolutely. The EU SAF Clearing House offers guidance and assistance to any SAF producers or SAF technology developers, regardless of their development stage. As well as general advice and explanation of the OEM and ASTM evaluation and approval process for new aviation fuels, we also offer: (i) fuel quality pre-screening and (ii) sustainability assessment.
I have already applied for grants related to SAF production and fuel testing. Am I eligible for support?
Yes, you can still request the support from the EU SAF Clearing House. Advice and guidance are free at point of use with the EU SAF Clearing House.
I already have some product test results. Will the EU SAF Clearing House support further analysis and interpretation?
The EU SAF Clearing House will help interpret your previous (and any future) test data, provide you with expert knowledge and advise on next steps free of charge. If further testing is required the EU SAF Clearing House will support further analysis and interpretation. If the indications are that your SAF production technology does not conform to an existing annex of ASTM D7566, the EU SAF Clearing House will organise a comprehensive ASTM D4054 tier 1 and tier 2 testing campaign for you, make introductions to the OEMs, and manage the evaluation and approval process with you every step of the way, including the writing of research reports, all as appropriate.
I am aware of the US and UK Clearing Houses. Will I need to communicate with them in addition to the EU SAF Clearing House?
The EU SAF Clearing House interfaces with not only the US and UK Clearing, but also the OEMs and the Renewable Low Carbon Fuel Alliance on a weekly basis. We emphasise collaboration, cooperation and effort sharing, and are undertaking several strands of work to lower burdens on SAF producers and technology developers. For those operating in multiple regions, the Clearing Houses collaborate to channel advice and support through one clearing house only. If it becomes clear that it would be more appropriate for a SAF producer or technology developer to engage with an alternative clearing house , the EU SAF Clearing House will recommend this and provide the introduction.
I am a fuel producer based in Europe who has previously worked with the US or UK Clearing House. Am I eligible for support?
Advice and guidance are free at point of use with the EU SAF Clearing House. The EU SAF Clearing House has been established to support all companies with ambitions and prospects of developing sustainable aviation fuels in support of the ReFuelEU Aviation SAF mandates. Our support is not dependent on Fuel Readiness Level (FRL) or previous engagements with the US or UK Clearing House or other stakeholders.
My company is not based in Europe. Am I eligible for support?
The EU SAF Clearing House is designed to support EU and international deployment of SAFs. It is open to approaches from all potential fuel producers, regardless of their location. The EU SAF Clearing House emphasises the lowering of burdens on the OEMs in evaluating and approving SAF candidates. Therefore, as appropriate, the EU SAF Clearing House will offer advice and its services to any SAF producer regardless of their geographical location, or direct inquiries to other clearing houses or supporting organisations as appropriate. Questions on financial support are answered below.
Is financial support available for the D4054 testing?
According to the impact potential of the SAF technology in question the EU SAF Clearing House will consider supporting D4054 testing and report writing costs following a cost-benefit analysis.
I am concerned about the intellectual property (IP) of my product when engaging with the EU SAF Clearing House. What protocols are in place to protect my IP?
The EU SAF Clearing House recognises that intellectual property is at the heart of every innovative SAF producing technology. As such, it maintains the highest standards in confidentiality with robust data security and intellectual property management policies. All staff have formal training in handling data and industry-recognised IT security systems. You can determine the extent of information shared, and commercially sensitive data will be protected from disclosure under Freedom of Information (FOI) or Environmental Information Regulations (EIR). Before engaging with the EU SAF Clearing House we recommend agreement of our standard non-disclosure agreement (NDA), and prior to any handling of product a material transfer agreement (MTA) will be signed between relevant parties. Both documents have the sole purpose to protect the information of the Client and set out that all data generated by the EU SAF Clearing House is the property of the Client.
How does support provided by the EU SAF Clearing House interplay with the support provided by the US and UK SAF clearing houses?
Part of the EU SAF Clearing House mission is to develop increased D4054 testing capacity in the EU such that EU SAFs can be evaluated and approved by the OEMs more efficiently.
The EU SAF Clearing House complements the capacity of the US and UK SAF clearing houses with whom we work closely to streamline our activities and effort share such that burdens on SAF producers and technology developers and burdens on OEMs are continually lowered. To do this EU SAF Clearing House collaborates closely with the US and UK SAF clearing houses to provide an efficient impartial one-stop-shop connection between fuel producers, OEMs and other clearing houses.
Is the EU SAF Clearing House developing its own approvals process?
No. The EU SAF Clearing House is committed to the ASTM D4054 standard practice for the evaluation of approval of synthetic aviation turbine fuels and additives.
The EU SAF Clearing House, as with US and UK clearing houses follows, the industry-established ASTM processes and specifications, supported by OEMs, airworthiness authorities, specification authorities, and other key stakeholders.