ASTM D4054 Service

Aviation OEMs allow new SAF types to be used with their equipment by implementing the ASTM D4054 standard practice for the evaluation and approval of new aviation turbine fuels. This practice is data intensive. The EU SAF Clearing House provides everything needed for a SAF technology developer to have their product undergo ASTM D4054.

The main elements of our ASTM D4054 Service Pillar are:

The image shows a cropped scheme of one hand holding down documents on a wooden table, there is a laptop off to the right but mostly out of view. Both the papers and the laptop are white. The image is taken outside with the background blurred by yellows and browns.


A hyper-efficient impartial one-stop-shop connection between the SAF technology developer and the OEMs.

The EU SAF Clearing House offers to manage the relationship such that the information needed is complete, fit for purpose and in line with OEMs' expectations, facilitating a "right first time" outcome.

The image shows a person wearing gloves, holding a test tube with a yellowish liquid which is being tested. The person is also holding a pen and appears to be writing or marking on a piece of paper or a clipboard data about the liquid testing. This scene suggests a laboratory setting where testing data of substances is being conducted. The person is likely a scientist or technician involved in the analysis and documentation of the results.

Fuel Testing Data

A large quantity of data acquired by specified test methods is required for implementation of ASTM D4054, and this data must be reputable.

Our D4054 Service Pillar provides comprehensive fuel testing data, ensures data quality, efficiency of service, and research report writing.

This image shows a cropped scene of two hands set in a handshake grip. The left hand belongs to a man wearing a grey suit and the right hand which is set in the fore ground of the image belongs to a man in a black suit.

Linking Services

The EU SAF Clearing House links SAF technology developers and SAF producers with key stakeholders as appropriate; OEMs, US & UK Clearing Houses, European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Joint Inspection Group.

The image depicts a professional setting where a man in a white shirt is facing a data board with complex data structures. The screen displays patterns and graphs, indicating the application of algorithms and models that interconnect data points that form and structure sphere representing how that different data points can be organised and interpreted in a coherent structure to provide valuable outputs. In the background you may see a city landscape with people and buildings in what appears to be a court.

Guidance & Support with Costs

The EU SAF Clearing House encourages those who seek to valorise new feedstocks to SAF, and those who seek to introduce innovative conversion technologies into the market.

Depending on the details of the feedstock and conversion technology, a SAF producing technology may be compatible to an existing Annex of ASTM D7566 and UK Defence Standard 91-091. In other cases, those details will indicate a new type of SAF, which will require regulatory evaluation & approval by the implementation of ASTM D4054. 

The EU SAF Clearing House will make this interpretation and if necessary, involve the additional expertise of our stakeholding partners through our Linking Services.

Where ASTM D4054 is required, the EU SAF Clearing House has already arranged all the services needed, and will work with the SAF technology developer to make these available. In cases where a strong benefit to the ReFuelEU Aviation mandates is apparent, the EU SAF Clearing House may be able to assist with the costs associated with ASTM D4054.

This image shows a man at a desk he is sat to the right of the picture and his computer screen which he is facing but is to the left of the image shows a blue process flow chart.

Streamlines Processes

The ASTM D4054 standard practice is a necessary barrier to approve new SAF types for use, but it is a high barrier.

Working under the direction of the OEMs and in collaboration with the US & UK Clearing Houses, the EU SAF Clearing House leads a number of projects to improve & streamline the practice, and build open access capabilities to make the evaluation & approval barrier less effort to surpass (e.g. complete ASTM D4054 testing capacity in the EU, standardised reporting templates, etc.).

The image depicts a chemistry laboratory with a focus on a table laden with various glass bottles and laboratory equipment. In the background, there are additional pieces of equipment, including what looks like a centrifuge and a computer monitor, which further emphasises the scientific nature of the setting.

ASTM D4054 Prescreening Service

“Prescreening” is early-stage expert advice on SAF candidate compatibility with conformity to an existing annex of ASTM D7566 or to positive ASTM D4054 evaluation. Prescreening is outside the ASTM D4054 process, designed as an initial lower barrier gateway for SAF evaluation requiring only very small volumes of SAF candidate.

Prescreening tools and procedures enable early estimates of critical fuel properties followed by direct measurement of these properties to guide fuel processing development utilising very small volumes of fuel only. This service minimises cost, program risk and time requirements.

As prescreening occurs before the fuel enters the formal ASTM D4054 evaluation process, it allows feedback to the SAF producer to further develop or fine-tune their production process to be confident of a positive evaluation in ASTM D4054, saving time and cost.

Test Centres

The EU SAF Clearing House maintains an open collaboration with testing facilities around Europe. All test centres interested in becoming part of the EU SAF Clearing House are invited to contact us.